Studies and Trials
We believe that the right approach to the construction of a string instruments should go through deep preliminary studies on the varnishes.
One can find in the market very good varnishes, ready to use and many violin makers have you chosen to utilize them, some time with excellent results.
However, we have a different vision. since ever a violin varnish evokes the suggestion of secret formulas, even ancient alchemies or something magic.
In any case, it should be a choice based on the maker’s personal taste and the feel and this is why we prefer not to have to do with industrial products but rather to carry out our own research, experiments and tests which have led us to obtain the varnish we wanted.
Anyway, one of the intriguing aspects about varnishes is that it is a never ending subject, a succession of trials and experiments always the same and always different which represent an important part of our work. Anyone wishing to be informed about what we do is invite us to follow our webpage where we will write our news. Along ages, the Italian “botteghe” have carried out tests of all kinds and we would like to continue working keeping a similar approach.
The first temptation has been that of checking the validity of an ancient method for measuring the temperature: the goose feather.
As you can see in the above pictures, the feather just curls up as soon as the oil temperature reaches 270°C. Therefore, it is a rather precise measurement tool.